cfp architects

Croydon Hospital Heart Centre

cfp's £2m Heart Centre has been officially opened by Andrew Lansley CBE MP, the Secretary of State for Health. The project was designed and constructed to an incredibly short program, 6 months overall, and provides much needed new facilities for the hospital, including a state of the art Cardiac Catheter unit which exploits real time colour x-ray imaging. In his reply to Andrew Lansley, Dr Asif Qasim, the lead cardiac consultant, praised the cooperative efforts of the design and construction team in providing a high quality facility, within programme and budget.

The centre will also act a memorial to Scott James, the original project manager, who unfortunately died suddenly during the project.

Opening of Croydon Hospital Heart Centre

A New Primary School in Tatsfield, Surrey

This entirely new Primary School in Tatsfield has been officially opened by HRH The Duke of Kent. The Duke received a tour of the school, and spent a considerable amount of time with staff, pupils and members of the design and construction team. During his address to the school he warmly praised the design, commenting that of all the schools he had opened it was one of the best. He emphasised that a sensitively designed learning environment was essential to the well-being and success of the pupils.

The school was built on a sensitive site within green belt land, and cfp's design moulds the building and play areas to the existing landscape by working with the contours of the sloping site. Much thought was given to the internal layout of the building, which was subject to detailed consultation with the school staff, governors and parents.

The sectional arrangement, elevational treatment and 'green' roof reflect cfp's commitment to an environmentally conscious design approach, and renewable energy sources were a fundamental part of the scheme.

View of Tatsfield Primary School

Mixed Use Development : "The Old Town" Edinburgh - The Royal Mile

Work continues on this important mixed use scheme on the Tannery Site in the heart of Edinburgh's Old Town. Construction works for the new build of the hotel and residential elements scheduled to commence early next year.

The development will extend the Jurys Hotel by 126 bedrooms, and cfp have also been appointed by Jurys Hotels to undertake the fit-out and other works for the hotel, including new kitchen and restaurant facilities.

The scheme represents a major regeneration of a complete urban block of the Old Town, creating an enhanced urban context for Bishop Sydserff's House, built in 1561, and Trinity Aps, an ancient monument. The layout and design is sensitive to the heritage of the site and the proposals are welcomed and supported by the Cockburn Association, Architecture and Design Scotland, and The World Heritage Trust, who monitor development of the Old Town.

 View 4 of Jeffrey Street

New Primary School : Epsom, Surrey

The second phase of Southfield Park Primary School has recently been completed and occupied. The school was originally built in 2004 to cfp's designs and has been much praised by the client, school staff, governors, parents and pupils. The intention was always to extend the school, providing new classrooms and other facilities to turn it from a single form entry to a two form entry school. The extension, now completed, was anticipated in the original design and the current project finally realises in full the original design conception.

View 4 of Southfield Park Primary School

Docklands Medical Centre : London E14

This multi-function Healthcare Centre near Canary Wharf was recently officially opened by local MP Jim Fitzpatrick. The building has been occupied for some time, providing a much needed local GP service and other facilities, including a purpose designed Pharmacy, Dental Practice and Physiotherapy Suite. Various speakers showered praise on the building and its design, and Mr Fitzpatrick declared that it exemplified how local healthcare should be provided.

View 4 of Docklands Medical Centre site

Heart Centre : Croydon Hospital

In their latest project for Croydon Hospital (formerly Mayday), cfp were appointed to design a state-of-the-art Heart Centre within existing ward accommodation. To be carried out in three phases, the project brings a number of facilities together in one place, including a Cardiac Catheter suite, ECHO and ECG facilities and Pacing and Stress Test clinics. Applying the latest standards and specifications, the design pays careful attention to comfort, hygiene and infection control issues.

cfp have developed an excellent working relationship with the hospital over a number of years. Previous projects include a Maternity Unit, Day Surgery, a Teaching Centre, and new kitchen and dining facilities for the whole hospital.

Hospital of St John & St Elizabeth : New Healthcare Centre

This major £8.7 million project has been successfully completed and occupied. cfp were responsible for the project throughout as architect, lead consultant and cdm-coordinator.

The project consists of a mixture of new building, and substantial alteration, extension and refurbishment of the existing Brampton House building. It provides much needed outpatients, clinic, treatment and recovery facilities, as well as space for offices and training. A local GP practice has occupied the ground floor.

A new daycare centre and associated facilities has also been provided for St John's Hospice, a core part of this charitable hospital.

Interior of Hospital of St John & St Elizabeth's New Healthcare Centre

Baileyfield, Portobello : Edinburgh

cfp are working with Broadway Malyan and Morgan McDonnell Architects to redevelop the 3.25 hectare site of the former Scottish Power Headquarters in Portobello - known as Baileyfield North.  The site has been subject to extensive consultation and master planning to formulate an agreed development brief.

Wandsworth Council : Badric Court Refurbishment

cfp have commenced work on a comprehensive refurbishment of the Badric Court Estate, including replacing window and door screens, and renewing kitchens.

View of Badric Court Refurbishment
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cfp architects

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